Fix bugs lightning-fast.

SmashPanel is a lightweight Chrome extension.

An automated way to find bugs, share them, and allow everyone on the team to easily reproduce them.

The QA Pro

“I just found a bug. What were my steps to repro again?”

Find bug

Share auto-generated
repro steps

The Developer + The QA Pro

Dev: “I need to replay your exact steps...over and over until I find a fix.”

QA: “I need to retest your fix, and try out lots of similar repro steps.”

Copy steps
into sandbox


The Test Automation Engineer

“I need steps and selectors to build out an automated test.”

Record steps and
selectors using history

Update and adjust
test with sandbox

The Manual Tester

“I need to build out test cases, then execute them quickly and hassle-free.”

Record test cases
using history

Execute test cases
with sandbox


Your history is always there, ready for whenever you find a bug.

Aside from sharing bugs, use SmashPanel to organize and execute your manual test cases, or to build out your automated tests.


Steps are generated in human-readable plain English. Share them with anyone.

Auto-generated selectors are concise and descriptive, not crazy-long.


Generates the right step for most actions, and gets it right.

During execution, algorithm finds the element your step was referring to, even if its selector has since changed.

Steps are simulated using the same events the browser would dispatch itself, providing for a very realistic playback.


Data is never stored anywhere but your own machine

Passwords are never recorded

Once a tab is closed all data associated with it is erased permanently

Clear button permanently erases all data associated with a tab